Your heart beats higher with Surya Namaskar, people, nature.
You love to walk for a long time with my friends.
What is a thing you can talk about hours and hours? About vedas and yoga of course.
Which 3 people fascinate you? A happy woman, wife and mother.
What character traits do you love about them? Gratitude, unselfishness, humility.
What are your basic, most important values? Family.
What do you want to give to the world? Creation.
What inspires you? The life of Guruji BKS Iyengar.
Where do you teach yoga? I teach in yoga center "Prana" Йогапрана.рф
What do you like the most about yoga? Yoga is primarily a spiritual, but it is also important for health. Health is release and deliverance from suffering.
What do you most value in your yoga lessons? Yoga is infinite, like all art. I like to find the keys to my body and mind.
How has yoga changed your life? I received knowledge about life. Yoga gives me stability and tranquility. I thank God, the sage Patanjali, the family of Iyengar and my inner teacher.
Who or what has brought you to yoga? My body. I had a backache because of the long work on the computer. And the pain was gone after the first lesson.
Did yoga change the life of your students? I don't know, but they come back to classes.
Where there moments when you doubted about yoga? To be honest, sometimes I have such moments, as in whole life. And our method is live. But it's not bad and not good, it's just information. And I need to find the answer, knowledge. I call my teacher and tell him my doubts. If he does not know the answer, he asks his teacher. And the answer is sure to be. This parampara is the chain of succession from teacher to students in Indian culture. This is very important.
There are people who say yoga is dangerous. What do you say about it?
If you doubt in yoga, then put into doubt this doubt. Find your teacher. Ask him who teaches him. Ask him how long he is learning. And if you doubt - leave, you must trust the teacher.
What do you like about Omuah? And do you visit us in Barcelona some day? :) You are doing a good job!!! Great! Superb! Wow! I'll be happy to see your city soon. And now, I invite you to visit Russia. Namaste