Born in Hamburg. She studied illustration design and art and graduated in 2009 at the HfbK Dresden. She works on drawings and paper cuts in which lines, shadows, overlaps and transparency are her main focus.
Since 2011 she practiced regularly Iyengar Yoga with her teacher, who has lived in India for a long time and studied directly ten years with Guruji BKS Iyengar.
She started her training as a yoga teacher at the Iyengar Yoga Institute in Berlin in 2013 and finished in 2016.
Your heart beats higher with? New experiences “the jump into the cold water” Leaving the own comfort zone, when crossing new borders…
You love to laugh, to be at the sea, to listen to the flowing water of a river, to read with my children in bed, how my husband can always surprise me, to dance, to feel quiet inside.
What is a thing you can talk about hours and hours? Yoga
Which 3 people fascinate you?
George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1877-1949)
Sri Ramana Maharshi (1879 – 1950)
Agnes Martin (1912 – 2004)
Guruji BKS Iyengar (1918 – 2014)
Andrei Tarkowski (1932 - 1986)
What character traits do you love about them? The awake mental state, Independent thinking, creativity, Inward look, Fearlessness, Compassion, Ability to give, Truth, Honesty, Humility, Modesty, Wisdom, Create from love.
What do you want to give to the world? Lightness and joy
What inspires you? The earth of a forest, the rushing of water, rain and wind, my yoga teacher, my husband and my children, shadows on the wall, transparency of fabrics, silence…
Where do you teach yoga? I teach at the “Yogaklub” and the “Yoga Rebellion” in Berlin and I give private classes.
What do you like the most about yoga? Having no doubts and to know that this practice is doing good, that one always makes new experiences, the depth underlying yoga, the path of the self-knowledge, to learn how to breathe deeper and more consciously, to perceive the body attentively and redefine the boundaries.
How has yoga changed your life? Well-being in this body, In yoga, I found something familiar for me, which I was looking for without knowing it. Dreams I had as a child. To practice yoga is like inner flying, the space in the body becomes wide and of a lightness and purity.
What do you like about Omuah? The beautiful clothes, the accessories and the way of presentation.