Your heart beats higher with Music and Dance, being with people i love, hitting the road and traveling, discovering places i haven't been before; nature, particularly the sea; good movies, simply life itself.
You love to Learn new things anytime, expanding knowledge, gaining experience. Besides i love to move my body wether through yoga, dance, sports, walking or whatever comes up. Well, i love to do too much, but i gotta name cooking and eating as well, i surely have a passion for it.
What is a thing you can talk about hours and hours? Everything probably. The universe. There are so many topics to talk about and one can easily switch from talking about movies to psychology and politics etc etc. When you get into a flowing exchange with someone else, anything can get interesting and drive your thoughts and mind.
Which 3 people fascinate you? Yet again, there are certainly many people out there who fascinate me. Basically those closest to me do most- my mum and my boyfriend for example.
What character traits do you love about them? My mum is an intensely strong and caring personality. She also holds a very differentiated opinion on anything which makes her a good diplomatic advisor. My boyfriend is a truly dedicated person who never easily gives up on anything, he enflames this in me and he always makes me believe in myself.
What are your basic, most important values? Loyalty, Empathy, Openness and Tolerance
What do you want to give to the world? I like to be positive towards myself and others and exchange this attitude, sharing the good things we can enjoy.
What inspires you? Too much again, haha. Other people and their stories- those i can identify with as well as those with whom i can't. Nature inspires me as it settles me down and centers me inside, as does Yoga. Any kind of arts are always inspiring- music, movies, photography, paintings, performances- i am simply an admirer of diverse human expression.
Where do you teach yoga? Wherever i get the possibility. I like to be mobile and flexible, so i am trying to set up workshops and class sequences at any place i may come to. Besides i am based in Barcelona and the Ruhrgebiet at the moment, so that's where i offer classes as well.
What do you like the most about yoga? How it balances me. Yoga gives me a daily focus and calms me down. After a good practice you are left without questions. You are just there, enjoying yourself. This is what life should be about somehow.
What do you most value in your yoga lessons? Achieving what i said above. Yoga shall balance your body and shift physical pain and mental distraction towards a feeling of connection with yourself and your environment.
How has yoga changed your life? It still does. Daily, with every practice. I change with my practice and my practice with me as life changes constantly and we with it. I don't look at things from a static perspective.
Who or what has brought you to yoga? Back in the days i wanted to become a dancer, so i always enjoyed working with my body. I took my first Yoga class more than 10 years ago at the university. Something already happened that first time, but i lost track again and then found it back some 7 or 8 years ago. It was in Barcelona and Berlin where i encountered many people practicing and suddenly i got caught.
Did yoga change the life of your students? I hope that it will make them feel centered after a class and that they'll get inspired, above all by themselves.
Where there moments when you doubted about yoga? Not really, but i think one should always practice carefully and know their limits. Sometimes i need other physical practices aside and i don't know what to think about the Yoga Boom...
There are people who say yoga is dangerous. What do you say about it? As said above- you have to practice with attention and always be careful. Know where you are and listen to your body. I am afraid that a lot of people don't follow that and that there are more and more teachers out there who aren't careful and lacking knowledge.
What do you like about Omuah? And do you visit us in Barcelona some day? I love your clothes ! They are pure and pretty. I am excited about new clothes to come!
I am partly based in Barcelona, in town right now, it's my favourite place, so - sure, i'll always visit :)

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